
プログラムを記述していく前に、cssとhtmlファイルとの関係を把握しておこう。 Before writing a program, let's understand the relationship between css and html files.

Before writing a program, let's understand the relationship between css and html files.

If you don't understand these three roles, you will be bothered by why you have to edit three files to create one application. It's a hassle when all you had to do was edit one file in Processing.

It is true that editing multiple files is a hassle. When js was originally introduced, it was only used in conjunction with html, and now with the addition of css, I feel that it is hard for people who have gone back in time from the 90s. First of all, I'll give a general explanation of its role.

That's about it. Of course, adding functional elements to css, writing js on html, setting css from JS, etc. is a crazy design, so it is best not to actively use these functions. Please follow the above rules unless you have no choice but to use them due to technical limitations. In the past, even with these rules in place, it was common to write everything in an html file.

p5js also has functions like createInput and createP to generate tags in html, but unless you need to dynamically generate html elements (dom elements), please use select and approach the tags you want to have functionality from the js side. However, unless you need to generate html elements (dom elements) dynamically, use select to approach the tags you want to function from the js side. This page is also based on such a design guideline. There may be some cumbersome descriptions in some places, but I have tried to make them easy to understand. When you get used to it, you may want to adopt your own way of writing or the way introduced in other websites.




p5jsでも createInputやcreateP みたいな形でhtml上のタグを生成する機能がありますが、動的にhtml要素(dom要素)を生成する必要がある場合を除き、あくまでselectを使って、機能をもたせたいタグに対してjs側からアプローチするようにこころがけてください。このページでもそのような設計指針に基づいています。ところどころで面倒くさい記述をしている箇所もあるかと思いますが、わかりやすさを重視した記述にしています。慣れてきたら自分なりの書き方や他のウェブサイトで紹介されている書き方を取り入れても良いかと思います。

すでに皆さんはProcessingを利用して画面上に何かを描画する、ということには慣れてきたかと思います。一方でp5.jsでは html要素をあわせて扱うことができるようになるので、html要素の扱いを中心に紹介していきます。ちなみにjsからhtml要素を扱うための仕組みのことをDOM(Document Object Model)と読んでいます。検索ワードなどで利用してください。DOMをアプリケーション用のGUIとして扱うことで、様々なプラットフォームで動作する汎用性の高いアプリケーションプロトタイプを実践してきます。